Monday, April 26, 2010

The Joy of Compliments

One of the most motivating aspects of losing weight is when people start noticing.  Some of those compliments still make me smile hours later while walking on the treadmill.

For me, these people are broken down in to two groups.  The first group are those that know you are trying to lose weight... and, in my case, those who may be reading this blog and actually aware of my success.  When someone from this first group compliments you, it feels good and is a very satisfying feeling.  But, there is that little part of you that isn't sure whether they are just saying that because they know you are losing or whether they have truly noticed a change.  And, some of these people may not even be sure themselves.  The power of suggestion can be a very moving thing. 

The second group are those people who know nothing about your efforts.  Those include people you don't see as often or people you see who have not been bombarded by you pimping your blog via Facebook or e-mail!  While it shouldn't carry any more weight, compliments from this group are even more special.  When somebody who doesn't have a clue looks at you and notices that you have lost weight, it can make a day.  I have had a few of those over the last couple of days.  Today, two more people noticed and turned my typical Monday morning frown upside down.  While I trust the first group, this second group is completely unbiased.  Their thoughts are not swayed by anything other than your appearance.  Great day for compliments today.  And, while I am embarassed at the time, I am secretly beaming inside. 

Having these people notice and go on about how good you look is the reason that I don't want to see some people right now.  There are folks who I don't see daily who I hope not to run in to for about six months so the effect will be even more dramatic!  I can't wait for my brother to see me thinner whenever it is that one of us makes their way to see the other.  I look forward to my Mom and Rita coming out to Colorado in June.  I really look forward to December when I see all of the people who I usually only see during basketball season for the first time.  I get so excited about those "first" moments with so many friends and family that I found myself making stupid decisions because of it.  I had been thinking about getting together with my sisters and was going to call them both last week.  But, I found myself wanting to hold off so that I could lose a little more weight before I saw them again!  lol.  Of course, I eventually got over that rather silly thought process and we are planning to get together over the next two weeks.  But, I was laughing at myself this weekend as I shared this story with Lori and realized my obssession.  Here's to receiving endless compliments and the motivation they bring... 

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