Saturday, April 10, 2010

282.0!!!!!! Tough Love Works It's Magic Again!

Back on track!  The only positive thing about the days where I have not been good is the fact that I have always come back the next day with a vengeance.  I have yet to let these moments change my overall spirit despite the momentary bouts of anger with myself ("rage" my be a little more appropriate).  And I appreciate all my loved ones letting me know that it was just one day.  That I was having a good time with my son.  That there are going to be bad days.  I really do.  And, there is a small part of me that agrees.  But, for now... at this early point of a long journey, I need some "tough love".  And, if nobody in my world of loved ones is going to provide it, then I plan on continuing to take on that role myself!  It is working for me.  That 1.2 gained fueled me yesterday.  Made me go to the club despite energy levels at a low because of my lack of sleep the night before.  Made me eat right the entire day.  Made me throw away that handful of popcorn that I mindlessly grabbed in the afternoon (that's really more of a diverticulitis concern than a weight concern).  That disappointment in myself lead to a 2.6 pound drop this morning!  That disgust in that weigh-in lead to me now being 1.8 ahead of my 270-by-the-end-of-April goal! 


  1. I read these every day. Good stuff. It helps keep me on track as well. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Kevin! I have appreciate all of your support from the beginning!
