Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's A Beautiful Day... 285.6... 3.30 miles!

There is a moment each day when I am on the treadmill that I feel truly inspired!  Usually, it is connected with an upbeat song that I really love.  I think to myself how great I feel and how I am changing my life.  That combination of song and exercise is almost euphoric and, despite sweating my butt off, I feel a chill go through my whole body.  I end up smiling, I can't help myself.  A Chesire Cat grin that must be a little creepy to fellow club members if they happen to glance over.  A grin and a feeling like I have finally figured this out.  A grin that reflects the knowing that I am going to make this happen this time.  Today's song was "It's A Beautiful Day" by U2.  A perfect song to reflect the way I felt this morning. 

The memory of my disappointing weigh-in from yesterday has been replaced with a much better 1.6 pounds lost and my new weight of 285.6!  To add to the beauty of the day, I felt great on the treadmill and walked a new high, 3.30 miles.  Did some machine work and came home for a light lunch.  A beautiful start to a beatiful day!  Here's to more euphoric moments and increasing my chances to experience more beautiful days...

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