Friday, February 7, 2014

New Goals

Any good journey needs some goals.  As I did last time, I have set out aggressive goals over the next six months or so.  Of course, as aggressive as these goals are, I secretly have stretch goals that are even lower than this.  I like aggressive goals because if I miss, I am still usually pretty happy with the results regardless.  For now, I will share my current goals by month and not my stretch goals..  With a great start and four excellent days, I am already 5.3 pounds ahead of my pace.  This is a good thing, I may need those as a contingency plan to offset my trip to Chicago next week.

Here are my goals...

February 3, 2014 Starting Weight: 278.4
March 1, 2014: 258.4, monthly (well, almost a month) goal of 20 down, total goal of 20 down
April 1, 2014: 243.4, monthly goal of 15 down, total goal of 35 down
May 1, 2014: 228.4, monthly goal of 15 down, total goal of 50 down
June 1, 2014: 218.4, monthly goal of 10 down, total goal of 60 down
July 1, 2014: 213.4, monthly goal of 5 down, total goal of 65 down
August 1, 2014: 208.4, monthly goal of 5 down, total goal of 70 down
September 1, 2014: 203.4, monthly goal of 5 down, total goal of 75 down
October 1, 2014: 198.4, monthly goal of 5 down, total goal of 80 down

The key date for me is July 1.  As I said before, I have always considered 215 to be the barrier that I need to break to feel healthy again.  Sure, that is not the lowest I could or should go. or even my lowest weight from three years ago (198.0).  But, it's the weight where I feel comfortable with myself.  It's the weight where I sleep, breathe, and feel better.  It's the weight where I feel good in the clothes I wear.  It's the weight where I stop hating myself.

Here's to not hating myself and to setting goals...

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