Saturday, March 27, 2010

293.4... Vegas is now a distant memory!

One of the more difficult things to say no to is not always the temptation of those foods you love the most.  Sometimes, it is the people you love the most.  It's planning on eating good, packing a good lunch, and then having your best friend at work ask you if you want a slopper from the 'Set.  Going to lunch only because you don't want to let your friend down.  It's not only passing up on going to my favorite Mexican restaurant, Mi Ranchito's, but telling my wife and my daughter last night that they can go without me and then eventually saying I would go and just eat good.  Well, they knew I didn't want to go and they even knew none of us should go.  But, I still felt bad.  Still felt like I had let my two favorite girls down.  Saying no to the two of them was way harder then saying no to the two pork and avocado burritos that I love. But, I have no willpower when it comes to my favorites and preferred not even stepping in the door.  Not sure what to call this aspect of the battle... maybe it should be called "social eating".  This morning, I think my wife was happy that I said I couldn't go.  But, it sure didn't seem like that last night after day three of hearing about how the two of them were in the mood for Mi Ranchito's!

Walked on the treadmill for 3.15 miles last night and another 3.08 this morning.  My weight, at 293.4, is the lowest in months and the best number since I started this blog.  Las Vegas is truly a distant memory and I have moved past my angst over my decision to eat at the buffet.  Here's to family and friends forgiving me when I say no...

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