Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Memory Went With The Weight

This morning, I was scheduled to take my health screening.  The screening isn't a requirement of getting our company's insurance, but rather an opportunity to get additional funds put in to a Health Savings Account based on successful results.  The intent is to incent (lol, I like the way that sounds) employees to be healthier and thus reduce overall health care and insurance costs.  This screening includes four tests.  They are Body Mass Index, cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure.  Lori and I can earn the additional funds for each target met and only need three targets of the four to get the maximum. 

I felt pretty confident this morning that I would not only get the three I needed but also pass the fourth for good measure.  My only concern was the BMI test.  The BMI is a simple calculation that uses your weight, height and age.  But, this test fails to take in to account different body types and shapes.  In fact, the BMI calculator on indicates that I have just moved out of the "obese" category and in to the "over" weight category.  Yay for me.  Glad that after 109 pounds and 11 months I can now say that I am no longer obese!  It suggests that my target weight range is between 128.9 and 174.3.  Yeah right!  174.3 just to get to the "healthy" range?!  Right now, I am still barely under "obese"... and here I thought I was doing good. 

My screenig was scheduled for 8:45 AM this morning.  The screening requires fasting for 12 hours.  I did fine last night.  This morning, I packed my breakfast and lunch... still no problem.  On the way to work, I reached in to the bag next to me and grabbed a couple of grapes.  This is habit and the grapes are my favorite snack item.  Two grapes later, I thought to myself, "Shit!  I forgot about the health screening!".  I figured two grapes was not going to kill me.  So, I blew it off.  I got to my desk, pulled off the lid to my yogurt and licked the excess yogurt off the underside of the lid, and then thought, "Shit!  I forgot about the health screening!".  Still, two grapes and a lick of yogurt... I should be fine.  About 40 minutes before the test, I walked in to the lunch room to grab a handful of popcorn.  As I was reaching for the popcorn I spotted a plate of pastries on the table.  Now, I am not a big pastry guy.  But, I do like a certain cream cheese danish-type pastry with powdered sugar on it.  I saw a smaller sized one and decided I really was in the mood.  I ate about half of it and then as I took the third bite, I shouted loudly, "Shit!  I forgot about the health screening!".  Not only had I eaten, but I was eating a sugar-filled, cream cheese-filled, cholesterol and blood sugar level raising, unhealthy pastry!  Ugh.  Well, I decided it wasn't worth risking the funds to test my luck and ended up rescheduling my screening.  Three times within a two-hour period I forgot about my screening.  So, 107 of my pounds may be fat.  But, at least 2 pounds of it is brain matter.  I am sure of it.

So, no scores to post tonight.  Those will have to wait until the night of December 29th.  Congrats to Lori for passing three of four and getting us a nice chunk of change.  Wooooooo Hooooooo!  I ask anybody reading this who knows me to spend the entire morning of the 29th constantly reminding me not to eat.  Here's to still having more days in December to reach those targets and a couple of weeks to practice memory drills...

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