Sunday, July 11, 2010

"... part of the adventure"

While Lori and I were hiking around the Lake Pueblo Reservoir this Saturday, make that aimlessly wondering, we realized that we were not on the path that we had intended to travel that morning.  The first trail entrance location on the South side of the reservoir is very easy to find.  The second entrance not so much.  We ended up passing this entrance and found ourselves at the second "red gate".  After about a half mile of wandering around and just as we were starting to realize that we were not in the right place, a mountain biker came upon us.  He asked us if we had a map, which we did.  So, we handed him the printout we had brought and discussed how we were obviously not where we wanted to be.  He was also lost.  But, he did mention the gate back up the road and said that he thought he had seen the wooden sign to Pedro's Point. 

As we were discussing how none of us were in the right place, he laughed and said, "It's all part of the adventure!".  I responded that there were much worse places to be lost.  When we made it to the correct trail, I kept thinking how much that statement summed up how I felt.  Not only about our hike and our wandering around the wrong part of the reservoir.  But, also how I felt about this entire journey... and even about life in general.  All of this... swimming again, going to the club daily, playing golf again, hiking with Lori, and trying to fill every moment of my day with activity... is all part of the adventure! 

What a great attitude he had.  What a great attitude about life.  What a great attitude about changing your life and losing weight.  Here's to thoroughly enjoying all the parts of all of your adventures...

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