Monday, September 24, 2012


Awful weekend.  I now find myself even further behind pace and 4 whole pounds away from getting under 240.  Not good.

Tonight, we have our quarterly Mi Ranchito's dinner with my Mom.  I plan on limiting the damages and not being my normal self.  But, it will still be a struggle to not go back over 245.  I had mentioned my commitment of a week of diligence to my brother.  Sadly, that couldn't start for me last week.  I could have been better, yes.  But, I had too much going on to be diligent. 

So, it starts tomorrow.  And, I am committing to two weeks of diligence.  From Tuesday, September 25 through Monday, October 8, I will commit (or at least promise to try really hard) to do the following...

- No soda.
- No beer.
- No fried foods.
- No cheese.
- No bread.
- No ice cream.
- 14 days straight of entering everything in
- 14 days straight of at least 30 minutes of cardio.
- 10-12 days of weight lifting.
- Nothing that I would consider an "exception".

My goal is to get under 235 in that period.  I need something to kick this in to a higher gear.  This slow down and up is not working and I am painfully behind the pace I set for myself... with the posted pace not even agressive as what I really had in mind.

Day 38 - 2.4, Overall - (8.6), Pounds To Break 220 - 24.2, Ahead/(Behind) Pace - (8.0)

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