Tuesday, September 18, 2012

242.2, 242.8, 243.4, 243.0

I hate being sick.  I hate being sick now even more than I used to.  It's because when I'm sick, I don't feel like exercising... even if I feel like exercising.  So, my new pact with my bro to go a perfect week is somewhat sidelined by my inability to exercise and lift weights.  So, the perfect week will have to wait.  But, I can still work on a really good week.

Despite not feeling great, the Mexican fiesta still took place, along with lots of my favorites.  Somehow, maybe it was all of the activity in getting ready for the fiesta, I was able to only gain .6 pounds.  I was pretty happy with that.  I was less happy after I gained another .6 the next day without Mexican food as an excuse... well, other than the leftovers. 

Back down .4 this morning.  Not a bad weekend.  But, I still find myself making little progress and not managing to get under 240.  So, I will try to get healthy and owe my brother that perfect week.

Day 32 - (0.4), Overall - (9.6), Pounds To Break 220 - 23.2, Ahead/(Behind) Pace - (4.4)

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