Thursday, September 27, 2012


Day 2 of my "commitment" and I am down another 1.6 and 4.8 in just a couple of days.  "The Commitment", sounds kind of like a Nicholas Sparks' movie.  I really need to name these things better.  This is a new recent low and the last time I weighed this exact amount was March 2.  My mini-goal is to lose a couple of more pounds, get under 240, and try to stay there even after our dinner on Saturday night.  It would be great to start a new week just at or under 240 and start looking at some numbers on the scale with a "3" in the second digit!

Day 41 - (1.6), Overall - (12.4), Pounds To Break 220 - 20.4, Ahead/(Behind) Pace - (5.5)
The Commitment - Day 2 - (1.6), Overall - (4.8)

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