Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I am not going to lie.  I was disappointed when I got back from Las Vegas and realized I had gained almost 6 pounds.  I know I shouldn't be this upset and I get better each time this happens.  I guess it is a lot harder to gain 6 pounds back when you have only lost 10 and a lot easier to stomach, no pun intended, when you have lost 106!  If not for my goal of getting under 200, I don't even think I would blink an eye at this vacation indulgence.  I guess we will see when I get there.  But, the best part of this "new" me is that no matter how disappointed I am in myself, I never let it derail me off of this course or from my ultimate goal.  I lost 2 more pounds this morning and find myself only .8 off of my pre-vacation weight and 1.2 from my low after just four days back.  This new resolve is what gets me past that disappointment and is one of the things I am most proud of.  Looking forward to what the scale has to share with me tomorrow morning!

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